Thursday, August 1, 2013

Beauty on the go: GLYCEL Collagen Prime 10000 beauty drinks review / GLYCEL Collagen Prime 10000 極緻膠原美肌飲料試飲

I've tried my first beauty drinks when I was still a teenager, at that time it wasn't a habit but more like to clear the stock my mom bought from Japan trip. Over the years I've made single attempts to delve into beauty drinks but I just couldn't make it into a habit because of the price, lol. 

GLYCEL had kindly sent me a box of their latest Collagen drinks for trial and review. They are called "Collagen Prime 10000".

我早在十八廿二既年齡已經飲過下美肌飲料, 當時只不過是減輕家中的存貨 (於日本旅行時媽買下的). 隔左咁多年, 係時候試多次依家市面類似既產品喇. 不過對我收入微薄既人黎講, 要令到美肌飲料成為每日既習慣就有 d 難度喇, 哈哈!

GLYCEL 最近寄左最新既Collagen Prime 10000 極緻膠原美肌飲料比我試, 實在黎得合時啊!!

 These drinks are sold in a box of 10, at HK$420, each drink contains 50ml and 10000 units of collagen. It is recommended that you take these drinks after meal. I consumed all of them at 1 hour after lunch, for 10 days.

呢隻美肌飲料一盒十支, 售 HK$420, 每支 50 毫升同埋有 10000毫克膠原蛋白. 建議於餐後飲用. 我呢, 就連續 10 日既午餐後飲.

The packaging of these drinks are red, not only they fit nicely with the brand's primary color red, but red symbolizes regeneration and revitalisation as far as the beauty industry is concerned. It is exactly what these drinks claim to do. The drinks are packaged in glass bottles to preserve the content from heat and whatnot, all beauty drinks are packaged like that on the market, so it's not a surprise you will find them pretty hefty in your bag if you decided to consume them on the go.

個 packing 鮮紅色, 除左係 GLYCEL 品牌顏色之外, 紅色o係美容界代表新生, 活力, 亦即係呢隻美肌飲料既功效喇. 美肌飲料當然要用玻璃樽包裝, 可以保存新鮮, 唔會咁易變質丫嘛. 為左功效更加好, 我覺得買左就要盡快飲啊, 等樽內既美容成分好好發揮呀. 我就鐘意每日放支係手袋, 等食完飯就可以即時有得飲, 唔洗心掛掛趕住返屋企飲丫.

Collagen Prime 10000 is said to ignite the 6 major regnerative processes of your skin:
Detox; Get rid of old and dead collagen cells; Repair damaged cells; Catalyze metabolism of cells; Rebuild stronger cells; Protect cells and make them firm. Apparently there's a whole philosophy in Asia that what you do to your skin by applying products isn't enough, there's a need to promote healthy skin from within, this include what you eat and drink, what your body absorbs from within. 

聽講 Collagen Prime 10000 極緻膠原美肌飲料有 6 大功效: (1) 排毒, (2) 去除老化膠原蛋白; (3)修謢受損膠原細胞; (4) 促進細胞新陳代謝; (5) 建立, 重新整合再生膠原細胞; (6) 為皮膚建立保護屏, 緊緻皮膚.

我好相信內調外理呢個保養哲學, 除左護膚品用咩之外, 平日飲食更加重要.

Nutritional information are printed on the outer box for those who are interested to calculate their daily calorie intake. How does the detox thing work? There's an element rich in fiber (Starfruit Leaf Extract) which helps to get rid of dead cells and toxins. Then the Lotus Seed Stem Extract strengthens collagen cells to regenerate and retain activeness; Camilla Seed Extract is included for anti-oxidation and retain moisture in cells, reduce black pigmentation. 

營養成分如下圖. 那麼美肌飲料是怎麼排毒的呢? 排毒(去暗啞)之後, 細胞才可吸收更多, 加快重生過程, 然後膚色變得更均勻, 明亮喇! 當中既美肌成分有楊桃葉分子啦, 蓮子胚牙分子, 山茶花分子等等.

I've gladly finished a whole box of this (10 bottles) and it has a peachy flavour to it. While it's pretty great taste, I think you need to down at least 20+ bottles of this stuff to see any obvious effect. So far during the past 10 days I've made REGULAR trips to the loo (ah-hem) at the same time during the day, my skin looks less dull. If you're looking forward to your big day, you might wanna try this beauty drink but make sure you give it at least a month's worth of bottles for more obvious effects!

好快我就已經完成左 10 天試飲, 桃味唔錯架. 我諗如果你要好明顯既功效就至少飲 2 個星期左右啦, so far 果 10 日我每日都係同一個時段去洗手間 (我估係每日同一時間吸收 d 纖維既關係), 同埋面色好左, 起碼望落去無咁暗啊! 如果你有大日子即張來臨, 我建議至少飲返一個月啦, 咁你就會有更明顯既效果睇到喇!!


  1. Interesting - so you think it really works? It sounds like it spends up your metabolism and maybe helps things flush through your system...?

    1. it kind of works for now (stimulating metabolism) but i think i need to try 2 more boxes to see enhanced effects!

  2. I'm super wary of any supplementary food products that boast beauty claims. I think it's just better to eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis and not spend endless amounts of money on these sort of things.

    1. sure I'm wary of supplements (Pills) that has beauty purposes. The reason why I tried the drinks was 1) i tried before anyway, lol and 2) they're mostly accredited/made in Japan so I thought if they're safe for Japanese consumers they're safe for the rest of us too.

      But yes exercise and a healthy diet is all that matters at the end of the day! nothing beats that! ;)


LOVE to hear what you think <3 I'll try my best to respond to every comment!