Thursday, April 28, 2011

ABAD Day 11: Topshop Cream Blush in Flush //"每日一胭脂"系列 第11天: Topshop "Flush" 胭脂膏

First and foremost, I'd like to thank Lynn for bringing me this from Singapore. I have yet to try any makeup from Topshop before this, and I'm pleasantly surprised by this tiny cream blush. Lynn got me the shade in "Flush", which is a peachy coral shade.

首先, 很感謝Lynn由星加坡帶這個給我, 很是意外. 在此之前我還未用過Topshop的妝物, 但這細小的胭脂膏的質感很令人驚嘆. Lynn給我選了 "Flush"這個顏色, 是水蜜桃的珊瑚色來的.

*screams* it looked so pretty on the cheeks when I used it for the first time. From that moment on, "Flush" has been a keen staple in my stash.

*尖叫* 第一次試在面上時實在太靚啦. 由那次起, "Flush"成為我袋內主要的妝物了.

Intensity: Medium-high pigmented, blends easily
Finish: Matte, creamy
Price: Around $10 USD each
Lasting power: Shows sign of fading after 4-5 hours
Repurchase: Already did, lol
Overall thoughts: If you have access to Topshop makeup, this would be the one product that you would want to try. The price is a little bit more than drugstore cream blushes. Longevity is an area which leaves certain room to improve. I would recommend this shade, which would look good on anyone, and the shade in Nutmeg, which I will also be reviewing in this series.

上色度: 中-高, 很容易推勻
效果: 無閃粉, creamy
價錢: 約$10 USD
持久度: 4-5小時後開始脫色了
回購: 已經做了
總評: 如果你有機會試Topshop的妝物的話, 你或者會想試試它們的胭脂膏. 價錢比其他開架式的貴一點, 而持久度還有改善的空間. Flush這個顏色在任何膚色上塗都會好看, 另一顏色Nutmeg亦不錯, 我稍後會出post的了.

What is A-Blush-A-Day (ABAD) Project?
Project ABAD was started by Elaine, Jolyn and I. On each day, each of us will present a different blush (old or new) we used each day (so that's 3 x 30 = 90 blushes), with swatches done either on face or on hand, and a short review. For my list of 30 blushes to be used in this project, click here. Don't forget to head to Elaine's and Jolyn's blogs for daily blush surprises!

我們三個(Elaine, Jolyn 和我)每天會介紹當日使用的胭脂, 3人 x 30 = 會介紹總共 90 個胭脂 (新與舊), 配以試色圖(於手上或面上), 再加短短的用評. 本人於未來30天會使用這些胭脂. 去Elaine, Jolyn的blogs看看她們在用那個胭脂吧!!


  1. oh my gosh it's so pretty!~ wish we had a top shop in australia >.<
    thanks for sharing x

  2. wow, so pretty!! Must remind myself to go check it out next time i'm in Topshop. The colour looks gorgeous on your cheeks!

  3. This looks so pretty, wish we had Topshop here :)

    Xoxo Christine

  4. oh my! the color looks so pretty against your fair cheeks! very nice, i can see why you already bought a backup haha :D

  5. I've been looking at getting this for ages - looks so pretty :)

  6. Hehe, no problem girl! You know I got yo back all the way \(^o^)/ *cheers*
    OH REALLY?! You got a new one? : D

  7. OMG really?! : D I'm so happy for youuu!! You totally deserve it! Congratulations <3

  8. I have been to Topshop several times but somehow I didn't get their cream blush knowing that they are some of their bestsellers.

    It looks very pretty on you.

  9. Oo didn't know Topshop did makeup! The price is quite good!

  10. love the color, so pretty! I have heard lots of good things about topshop cream blush, thanks for the review^0^~

  11. This is such a pretty shade. I understand why you would have already bought a back up. haha.
    And I guess its pretty inexpensive too!

  12. You already repurchase... hehe~ It must be a good blush! :)

    You haven't been in the mood for buying lately. :/ All I see on twitter is all the collection talk... hehe~ You could had fool me. :P

  13. a backup must mean you really like this product! it's another pretty pink blush and it looks gorgeous on you! <3

  14. i have and love the topshop cream blushers, their as good as the mac ones.

  15. I love the packaging, it's really cute >.< have u tried lolely me:ex cushion blush?it's my fave =D


LOVE to hear what you think <3 I'll try my best to respond to every comment!