Here comes the second lilac/lavender hue blush I am going to introduce in this series - Benefit I Lotused You Looking. It's from their ages-ago Limited Edition Shangri-Las collection. This, is the first lilac blush I own and use, hence my obsession with lilac/lavender blush started because of it.
這是我第二個介紹的紫色系胭脂 - Benefit 的 I Lotused You Looking, 是屬於很久很久以前的限量系列 (Shangri-Las 系列). 這亦都是我擁有的第一個紫色系胭脂, 隨後的紫色胭脂都是拜它所賜.
近鏡看清楚, 不是粉紅, 是粉紫.
盒子細小得像眼影般細, 載有應該是最小的胭脂份量 (2.75 g). 不過, 我極喜歡這個顏色!
留意粉紫色如何令整體皮膚看下去精神得多! 皮膚表面的光澤好像從內面滲出來般.
Finish: Mostly matte but with tiny bit of shimmer, not noticeable
Price: Unknown, got this from a swap
Lasting power: around 8 hours
Repurchase: If only this became available again, YES!
Overall thoughts: Being the first lilac/lavender blush I tried, this blush changed my mind about blush colors. I found that pale lilacs work surprisingly flattering. It imparts the cheeks a 'just=in-from-the-snow' glow and perks up the whole complexion *v* I kid you not, try a pale lilac/lavender blush yourself!
上色度: 頗高
上色度: 頗高
效果: 大致上是啞光的, 但有不顯眼的光澤
價錢: 不詳
持久度: 8小時, 不俗
回購: 如果它不是限量的話, 那當然會啦
總評: 這是我的第一個粉紫色胭脂, 改變了以往以為胭脂就一定是粉紅/橙/蜜桃色的觀念. 粉紫在面上出奇的好看, 好像 "剛從外面下著雪, 回到室內" 面上會有的嫩粉紅感覺般. 沒有誇大啊, 下次試試粉紫色的胭脂看看吧!

What is A-Blush-A-Day (ABAD) Project?
On each day, each of us will present a different blush (old or new) we used each day (so that's 5 x 30 = 150 blushes), with swatches done either on face or on hand, and a short review. For my list of 30 blushes to be used in this project, click here. Don't forget to head to Elaine's, Vonvon's, PopBlush's and Jolyn's blogs for daily blush surprises!
On each day, each of us will present a different blush (old or new) we used each day (so that's 5 x 30 = 150 blushes), with swatches done either on face or on hand, and a short review. For my list of 30 blushes to be used in this project, click here. Don't forget to head to Elaine's, Vonvon's, PopBlush's and Jolyn's blogs for daily blush surprises!
lovin this colour :)
ReplyDeleteI have iced lotus from clinique and it looks pretty similar!! x
Looks gorgeous on you!!! I need to pick up some lilacs for myself.. Did you get Sakura from MAC Quite Cute?
ReplyDeleteThis lilac shade is so nice. I really like lilac shades but there doesnt seem to be many out there :(
ReplyDeleteSometimes I like smaller sized blushes because then it wont take me AGES to finish it up and I wont feel so bad hoarding more blushes LOL.
oo this one is so pretty!
ReplyDeletelove this lilac shade, haven't been using benefit products for a while, reading your post reminded me of their cool retro packaging :)
ReplyDeletelilac blushes look kind of scary on the pan but this looks great on you! i need to try lilac blushes too. :3
ReplyDeleteI'll try a lilac blush from now on! =D not sure whether it's gonna suit me though..XD
ReplyDeletewow, the packaging is really interesting^0^~ cute color!
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ReplyDeleteI didn't know there is such collection from Benefit called Shangri-la!
ReplyDeleteBut that blush surely looks good on you.
So pretty! Sometimes colors are so hard to capture with a camera..Too bad it's was limited edition! Hehe do you limit your use of this blush since it's a favorite and LE? :P
ReplyDeleteOh it's so pretty! I am totally in love with the way it looks on you!
ReplyDeleteThe packaging and color look amazing, and I love Benefit names ^_^
Too bad it was LE!!
i luv luv the blush, its bit on the cool colour tone side, but very practical
ReplyDeleteBtw im holding a giveaway at may 3rd, but b4 that i need your help with one simple Question answer it and you'll get an extra entry to my giveaway (and follow me of course), there are alot of great prizes, hope you can help me out here ^_^
hmm.. the color is ok. the packaging looks nice though ^^