My obsession with lilac/lavender/purple hues in blushes is long documented, yet these colors do not often appear in the major brands of blushes in the market. So when MAC came out with a purple-hued beauty powder in Disney Venomous Villains collection, I KNEW it'd be the lilac/purple blush that I would go for. Purple and lilac is sooooo Maleficient (the character in print)!
在下一向很喜歡(粉)紫色系的胭脂, 但市面上又不是太多選擇. 所以當MAC去年和Disney合作推出的Venomous Villains系列內有Briar Rose這個顏色, 一看便知會喜歡到不得了. 紫色亦和Maleficient (睡公主裡的奸角) 的紫色型像很近似!
Briar Rose 絕對不是一般的粉紅, 珊瑚, 水密桃色. 是粉紅帶紫啊!!!!
右面是試色, 左面是推開了的顏色:
掃左面上後看下去面色好看得多, 起初沒有想過(粉)紫色的胭脂會那麼好看!
Finish: Matte
Price: forgotten, but carries 10g of product
Lasting power: 6 hours
Repurchase: Yes since I like lilac and lavender hues
Overall thoughts: The Maleficent packaging/factor aside (which I adore), Briar Rose would look good on skintones which are under NC/NW35. I highly encourage exploring on lilac and lavender hued blushes because they look extremely flattering when used with a light hand. These sort of colors perks one up.
上色度: 中等, 以beauty powders(它們不是胭脂) 來說很不錯
上色度: 中等, 以beauty powders(它們不是胭脂) 來說很不錯
效果: 啞光
價錢: 忘記了, 但有10g 容量
持久度: 6小時吧
回購: 會的, 很喜歡紫色/粉紫色系的顏色
總評: 包裝另計 (我是那卡通人物的fans), Briar Rose掃在NC/NW35 或以下的膚色上一定會好看的. 如果你未有試過紫色/粉紫色系的胭脂, 個人絕對推薦試試, 輕輕的掃再面上的效果很出眾, 令面色變得很好看!

What is A-Blush-A-Day (ABAD) Project?
Project ABAD was started by Elaine, Jolyn and I. On each day, each of us will present a different blush (old or new) we used each day (so that's 3 x 30 = 90 blushes), with swatches done either on face or on hand, and a short review. For my list of 30 blushes to be used in this project, click here. Don't forget to head to Elaine's and Jolyn's blogs for daily blush surprises!
Project ABAD was started by Elaine, Jolyn and I. On each day, each of us will present a different blush (old or new) we used each day (so that's 3 x 30 = 90 blushes), with swatches done either on face or on hand, and a short review. For my list of 30 blushes to be used in this project, click here. Don't forget to head to Elaine's and Jolyn's blogs for daily blush surprises!
You know, the more I read your ABAD, the more I feel like such a blush novice..XXD I remember, when MAC VV first came out, I asked my sis to bought one for me (hopefully a blush) but it never happened..XD LOL. Anyway, lovely color!
haha..if you look at the picture, it may not look like a good fit (the nose and mouth area) but it actually doesn't bother me much. The fact that it covers under my chin (without the annoying foldings we used to have with normal mask) makes me a happy girl..=D Anyway, I'm on mask lately..^^ I want to try Beauty Diary next! what do you think of them?
It's amazing how purple/lavender tend to look pink to me. It looks that way on me too... hehe~
ReplyDeleteYou're so right buying less is recycling... hehe~ Are you going to buy less eh? :P
That is a really nice lilac shade. Suits you and you look like you have naturally flushed cheeks!
ReplyDeleteI used to buy cooler toned lilac hues when I first got into makeup. I think it was Mac's Pinch-o-Peach? It was nicely pigmented and such a nice texture.
Nice color! But personally, I think it's a bit too pink for my taste :)
ReplyDeleteThis is one MAC Collection that I have missed out on, and kicking myself because of it. But my pocket is very happy. ;) But many moons later, I managed to get hold of some of the products but not the Maleficient She Who Dares Mineralize Eyeshadow.
ReplyDeleteBack to Briar Rose, that's a very pretty shade.
P.s. NARS is coming up with a lilac/lavender blush/highlighter with their Summer 2011. :)
sniff sniff i missed out on this MAC VILLAIN! and now my sakura-lilacblush is broken hearted :((
ReplyDeleteback to your review~this definitely great for everyday use! Briar Rose is delicious~
moi an NC25!
that is a pretty color, it looks nice on your cheek when it's blended. I'm always a fan of mac :)
ReplyDeleteWOAHHH *_* Beautiful color! The swatch is amazing!<3
ReplyDeletethis looks gorgeous :)
ReplyDeletegreat review!! x
The blush is so pretty! I wish I had grabbed this blush when it's out!
ReplyDeleteIt's such a pretty blush (as always :P). Now I'm sad I passed up on this collection..but it was too coveted here in the U.S. for me to get anything anyways lol I find it hard to tell which blushes are just cool toned pinks and which have lilac/lavender hues.
ReplyDeletepretty lilac pinkish color. not sure if i like the evil queen though.
ReplyDeletemantao is a tabby domestic medium hair. honestly, i'm not sure. i may have made that up. rescued him from the shelter, so no idea...haha.
Most people don't know MAC has samples or will make you some if you ask kindly. Now you know... hehe~ ;)
ReplyDeleteI've been using the mascara for three months and still gooey and wet. :P
How is it wearing 30 blushes in 30 days? Tiring?
I'm a MAC NC20 and never thought to try lilac and lavender hued blushes. Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDelete(As I mentioned on my post, I will be resisting this sale!)
I'm pretty good about finishing my mascaras. :P I only use it for 3 months and then toss them away. Even if they're not good, I'll still use it for 3 months. :D
ReplyDeleteIt's good to use all your blushes, but I give you a lot of credit writing them in daily basis for 30 days. I cannot even do that... lol~ It's hard enough to write 2 posts a week *sigh*. :X Do you have more blushes than the 30 you're going to post about? :X
I have a liking for purple, lilac blushes too (and orange! XD)
ReplyDeleteI've got this blush and I find it has a cold tone but works really well. Love it! :D xxxx
I have this one too and although it is pretty, I never reach out for it :(