Sunday, February 5, 2012

GlossyBox landed in HK // GlossyBox 隆重登場

After months of long wait, GlossyBox has finally touched the shores of Hong Kong last month! I was invited to a sneak peek of what the GlossyBox team has to offer, get yourself prepared for the excitement that lies ahead!

等了良久, GlossyBox終於都黎到香港喇! 上個月我出席了發佈會, 結果並沒有令我失望!

Guests were greeted by the pyramid of GlossyBoxes in the launch party:

進入會場時必定會看到用GlossyBox砌成的塔, 很特別呢:

If you're new to the idea of GlossyBox, here's how it works. Each month you pay a fixed amount (HK$120 currently), the Team will deliver a box to your door and there'd be 4-6 products handpicked by them. One of the products would be a full-sized product, and others would be deluxe sample sized products. Each time you open the box it'll be a surprise as you wouldn't know what products are waiting for you inside the box. But you could be assured that the products inside would add up MORE than the amount you paid for it (HK$120), talk about a bargain!

如果你還未知道GlossyBox怎麼運作的話, 那你要留意了 (不然便會錯過好東西啊!). 每個月只需 HK$120, GlossyBox Team 便會把一個粉紅色盒子送到府上, 你便可以安坐家中嘗試 GlossyBox Team 精心挑選的美容產品. 每次盒子都會有4-6件產品, 當中一件會是完裝/full-sized 的產品, 其餘的會是加碼的試用裝產品. 每次打開盒子都是一個驚喜, 因為你不會預先知道內裡的products是甚麼來. 但有一樣可以肯定的是: 盒內的products加起來一定不止 HK$120!

Hold your breath and hear what they put in the inaugural box for January 2012:

- Becca Beach Tint (Full-sized, worth HK$330)
- Bliss Body Butter (30ml)
- Lancome Genifique Youth Activator Serum (deluxe sample size)
- Moroccan Oil (deluxe sample size)
- NUXE Reve De Miel Ultra-comfortable Face Cream (deluxe sample size)

2012年一月GlossyBox (亦是香港第一個GlossyBox) 內含的是:

- Becca Beach Tint (Full-sized, 價值 HK$330)
- Bliss 檸檬 + 鼠尾草 body butter (30 ml)
- Lancome Genifique 嫩肌活膚精華露 (加碼的 sample size)
- Moroccan Oil 摩洛哥順髮油 (加碼 sample size)
- NUXE Reve De Miel 極緻峰蜜 face cream (加碼 sample size)

At the launch event, there were beauty booths with representatives from each brand introducing their collections, this is NUXE from France:

發佈會裡有beauty booths給各大品牌介紹產品給大家, 以下係黎自法國的 NUXE:

BECCA from Australia offering an instant makeover with their best-selling Beach Tint:

黎自澳洲的BECCA以皇牌產品 Beach Tint 提供即時makeover:

Bliss Labs:

I've heard so much about Beauty Boxes up til now and I'll have to say I feel confident about subscribing to Glossy. I mean, look at their global network...

我並非第一次聽聞Beauty Box 這類新興的生意和市場, 我早已知到 GlossyBox在英國及德國大行其道, 都信得過的, 看看下圖你便會明白的了:

You could earn GlossyDots to redeem your favourite products/a new box when the time comes:

除了訂購GlossyBox之外, 還可以儲 GlossyDots積分換 full size 產品/下個月的盒子:

Brands partnering with the GlossyBox Team - I surely hope they'll have MORE brands in store for fellow beauty addicts!

和 GlossyBox Team 合作的品牌 - 希望遲些會有更多的品牌加入吧!

Here's the inaugural box with a letter from the GlossyBox Team.


My thoughts on the inaugural box is that even though the items all look small (with Becca Beach Tint being the full-sized here), the Team had handpicked a comprehensive range of products in it - from skincare to hair, makeup, bath and body. And the brand selection ranged from major brands to niche but still higher-end brands. I mean, the bottomline is, even though you may not know what lies inside the box in advance until you open it, but it is for certain that the value of the items inside would worth more than HK$120! And if you already own the items inside (which for a second, I kind of doubt that), the items would make a great little gifts for somebody!
Another good thing is that you can try a sample of that product you've been longing for, before going ahead with purchasing the full-sized version of it. You certainly can avoid those pushy salespersons at the counters as well.

第一個盒子麻雀雖小, 但五臟俱全, 別小看細細件的產品, 單是 Becca Beach Tint 都已經要HK$330啊. 產品種類由 skincare到頭髮護理, 化妝至身體護理都覆蓋到, 品牌又有著名又有在香港比較少人認識的都有! 我咁認為, 就算未必每件產品你都能用得著, 那你不會用的產品都可留給朋友啊! 還有,可以先試用後決定買不買全支裝, 試罷不喜歡銀包也不會肉痛; 更不用提安坐家中試新產品免除了counter 有時都幾煩人的店員.

With the mystery factor buried in the Box each month, you can have the thrill and excitement and all with HK$120 per month (shipping is included!). Who doesn't love spoiling themselves with little beauty surprises? I am swooned and already rose a white flag to it, gladly surrendering my credit card for this cute little pink box already! I'm hoping they'll have more fun packed in the upcoming February (aka Valentine's Day) box, since I read in the UK the Team delivered a hot pink box to subscribers. Let's hope ours in HK will be even better!

當每月打開盒子都是一個驚喜時, 盒內產品又一定超過價值 HK$120 (包運費), 有很多人(包括筆者) 已經訂購左喇, GlossyBox售罄時便不能回購的啊. 我看到英國今個二月份的盒是鮮粉紅色 (情人節版本嘛), 很是期待黎緊今個月的盒子又會是怎樣的, 會否比英國的出色呢?!

Do you subscribe to BeautyBoxes? What are your thoughts on them? Are the products worth to pay for? Have you discovered anything of HG material in the boxes' selections? Do share!

你有訂購這類型的Beauty Box嗎? 覺得如何?


  1. Whoaaah!!! Glossybox landed to Hong Kong? I'm so happy for you, girls! Shedding a tear for us in Greece that STILL have no beauty box company available to purchase! Sob sob...

  2. Glossy boxes are not consistent in content. Sometimes you'll find something fantastic then the next month you'll get terrible sachet samples of shampoo and moisturisers

  3. You did get some good stuff! I'm impressed!

  4. wow, that's a very nice items for hk launch. when is glossybox coming to US.

  5. Wow! You got some amazing stuff! :) Hope to see more Glossybox posts from you :)

  6. omg the products look so much better than the ones in the uk! wtf! lol

  7. There were some really great produocts in that inaugural box. Enjoy and I hope that you find something that you really like. It really is a nice deal.


  8. I hope you have a better box for Feb too XD

    Ahh I'm still jealous of your Jan box, that Becca Beach Tint it seriously amazing!! :D

  9. I don't subscribe to any of these beautybox things, but the inaugural box you got has some really great products in it! You definitely got your money's worth this time :)

  10. I had heard a few beauty boxes in Singapore. I haven't try them out yet.

    I had signed up for Vainty Trove starting from this month upon a recommendation from a felloe blogger. Will let you know how it goes. :p

  11. Glossybox is such a great idea! The inaugural box has such great products in it. Really like the look of that Becca beach tint!

  12. I really love how this idea has taken the world by storm. It's honestly such a great marketing tactic that's cheap for all involved!

  13. I love reading about international beauty box unopening and comparing it to ones at home. Glossybox Canada has been impressing us with its generous sized samples (and by that I mean full size!). But it still lacks a lot of high end brands that I love trying out!

    I do a lot of unboxing post if you like checking it out :D


LOVE to hear what you think <3 I'll try my best to respond to every comment!