I made another attempt on skincare offerings from Lavera - the German organic skincare/cosmetic brand. Since there are fine lines showing in my under eye areas (eeeek), I opted for an eye cream with anti-wrinkle and firming properties.
我第二次試德國既品牌 Lavera 就揀左佢地既有機抗衰老深層滋潤眼霜黎試. 因為我眼下已經細紋出現 O_O
I have put this eye cream to test for 2 months, only the of a rice grain is needed for both eyes each time, so a little dot of the product goes a longgggg way. The tube has 15ml and is of course, made in Germany. The product is formulated without mineral oil and silicone, perfume, synthetic preservatives, so I gave it a big thumbs up. It has 100% pure vegetable oils, namely White Tea and Karanja Oil, which aids in firming of the skin. White Tea helps to protect skin against free radicals; Karanja Oil offers natural UV protection and prevent pigmentation spots from developing. Phytocollagen is included to stimulate collagen and boost immunity of the skin; Nutri-ceramide smooths the skin by restoring structure; Sepilift helps to firm the skin. Organic almond and jojoba oil helps to invigorate and smooth the eye area. (Click the pics below to enlarge)
Phew, that's all about the goodness in the ingredients. Let me share my thoughts on this. The product is a cream rather than gel texture, and it spreads like a dream. It feels really light and there's no tugging needed to blend. After 5 seconds it's completely absorbed, leaving no residue. It's got a light musky floral scent and smells divine.
我試呢支眼霜大致 2個月喇, 每次只須一粒米的大小便足夠, 一支 15ml 可以有排用! Lavera 是德國品牌所以產地當然是德國啦, 我最欣賞呢支眼霜既配方, 入面係無矽, 無礦物油, 無 perfume, 無人造防腐劑. 成份方面, 佢用100%植物提煉既油, 包括白茶, 卡蘭賈油, 白茶有助抗老, 緊緻; 卡蘭賈保護皮膚抵抗 UV, 防止黑色素形成. 植物膠原蛋白刺激膠原形成和提升皮膚防癒能力. Nutri-ceramide 和 Sepilift 幫助撫平緊緻皮膚. 好啦, 講左成分咁耐, 係時候講下用後感喇. 雖然佢係眼霜, 但質地極之易推! 質感輕盈, 搽既時候仲唔會拉扯皮膚. 5秒之後完全吸收晒, 無油感滿分! 最鍾意佢個淡淡的幽香, 很怡人.
If you are looking for products to lighten your dark circles, this is not the product for you, because this eye cream is targeted at fine lines, saggy under-eye skin, and it really performed what it says.
Once applied on the under eye area, the cream transforms to rather watery texture, I've never tried anything like it! It was absorbed in no time, and after 20 seconds, it's starting to work its magic! My under eye area actually felt a bit tightened up and firmed. My under eye area felt soothed instantly. I've always thought anti-wrinkle/anti-aging skincare to be rich in texture, but this eye cream by Lavera is a completely opposite, it was such a joy to use.
如果你搵緊去黑眼圈既眼霜, 呢支就唔太岩你啦. 因為佢主要針對抗衰老, 細紋, 鬆弛, 然而佢的確好有效.
一搽之後, 佢會由 cream 變成 gel 狀, 無試過咁既質地, 真係好神奇!! 20 秒後, 我開始覺得眼部皮膚收緊!! 同埋吸收左之後都好舒服. 我成日凝住抗衰老同抗皺既產品會好笠好難吸收, 但呢支眼霜完全唔係果回事, 我好 impressed.
My Age Intensive Eye Cream is a great product for those whose under eye area need a lift and looking for a smoother eye area. Even though I'm new to the brand and have only tried their face masks prior to this, the Lavera line is very solid and promising. I'm truly impressed because Lavera is not a brand that shells out a lot to advertise or use heavy marketing gimmicks. Contrary to the major department store brands, Lavera is pretty low-key and rather humble, but it truly has hidden gems among its range awaiting exploration.
呢支有機抗衰老深層滋潤眼霜好適合須要拉提緊緻眼部既朋友們. 雖然呢次係我第二次試 Lavera 產品 (之前試佢地的沖洗式面膜), 佢地品牌俾我的感覺係好 promising 同有效. Lavera 係比較低調既品牌, 不會有龐大的 marketing gimmick; 但整個系列質素有一定既保證.
Lavera My Age Intensive eye cream is sold at a modest price of HK$279, I just spotted it's on sale HERE (not affiliated). The online store is having a 20% off discount sitewide now. They've got a pretty decent line of skincare HERE (not affiliated). I highly recommend trying them out!
呢支眼霜平日只售 HK$279, 現在 Lavera 網全線 8折!!! 你可以click 呢度買, 滿 $500 仲免費送貨. 我對 Lavera 既skincare都頗有信心啊, 所以o係呢度勁推薦!!
Once applied on the under eye area, the cream transforms to rather watery texture <-- reminds me of the Kiehls Avocado eye cream XD it kind of goes from a thick to thinner consistency too. But it does none of the wonders you described lol!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review, this is definitely on my next to-try list after I'm done with my current eye creams!