Sunday, July 28, 2013

AHAVA Hydration Cream Mask Review / AHAVA 礦物精華水分面膜

I've been into wash-off masks lately and I keep accruing tubes and tubs of masks from various brands. AHAVA had kindly tossed in a deluxe sample of their Hydration Cream Mask along with a full-sized daytime lotion, of which I'll review separately later. As my skin is leaning combination/dry, any "hydration" skincare products are very much welcomed!

我最愛就是沖洗式面膜, 所以屋企周圍都係一支支一瓶瓶既面膜, 真係好誇張. 上個月AHAVA很慷慨送左支貨size 既日霜比我試, 同埋呢支礦物精華水分面膜(deluxe sample size)! 我皮膚混合性偏乾, 所以呢支 mask簡直就岩晒我喇!!

 I like wash-off masks because I can apply them and carry on doing other things, be it shower, reading, blogging, etc and it doesn't drip like paper masks would. AHAVA is an Israeli brand; drawing inspiration from the Dead Sea and its natural wonders (water, algae and mud), this mask is created for those who need extra boost of hydration. You can click and enlarge the photo for a better view of the ingredients. The full size product is 100ml and is sold at HK$350 if I'm not wrong.

我之鍾意沖洗式面膜係因為搽左之後可以繼續做自己野, 沖涼又得, 睇書睇電視寫 blog又得, 唔會好似 paper mask咁滴落條頸度. 講返正題先, AHAVA 係以色列品牌, 佢地既產品好多既靈感黎自死海既資源 (海水, 泥, 海藻), 呢個 mask係為想要多點水分既皮膚而設. 下面幅圖可以放大黎睇成分架. 貨 size 係100ml, 售價$350.

I really like its straight-forward and simplistic packaging - the brand is not one to make bold, exaggerated claims. The sample is a twist-screw cap tube but the full size is a flip-open cap tube, just thought you might want to know. The brand doesn't do animal testing either. What you see is what you get, it just delivers what it says on the tube.

我個人好喜歡佢簡約既包裝, 唔會寫上好多保證呀, 幾多%使用既人滿意呀果 d 字眼, what you see is what you get.. 支 sample設計是扭開蓋, 貨 size既蓋係打開就用得! AHAVA無做動物測試既.

After cleansing your face, you apply a walnut size onto skin and spread evenly, and you can carry on your business as usual. This mask will work its magic and you can rinse off after 3-5 minutes (I let mine stayed on for 5-10 minutes), if you like it can be left overnight as well, just be sure to wash off in the morning. It's really creamy in texture and smells faintly sweet. I could feel my skin instantly soothed after 3 minutes or so, and literally the tight feeling of my dry skin started to go away. After rinsing, I"m left with smoothed out skin and it felt elastic when tapping on it. It also gave me a dewy glow.

支 mask洗完面就可以用, 我搽一粒合桃既分量啦, 均勻推開直至覆蓋全面, 然後可以繼續做你做緊既野. 等 3-5 分鐘就可以清洗 (我等5-10 分鐘左右啦), 你喜歡既話仲可以敷過夜, 當埋睡眠面膜又得. 佢帶小小甜香味, 都唔錯. 敷左 3分鐘之後, 我已經感覺到原先皮膚崩緊既感覺消失左, 同埋佢有效得黎好舒服, 令皮膚鎮靜左. 清洗之後, 塊面摸落去有彈性左, 同埋有光澤.

I've tried numerous wash-off hydration masks before but this by AHAVA left me really impressed, I think I'm going after a full size next time at the counter. After using, my skin felt enhanced with a dose of hydration which I don't get from say, Origins Drink Up Mask. I think I'll gladly make the switch from the Origins one to this product. 

我之前用過唔少既水分面膜 (例如 Origins Drink Up), 但係無一隻好似呢支個效果咁掂! 我已經決定會買 呢支面膜既 full size喇!!

This 20ml sample is good enough for 4-5 time uses and mine is currently on its last legs currently (you will see it in my July empties post)! I also consider this mask a worthy investment since everyone's skin needs hydration all year round, particularly in winter. I sit and work mostly in an air-conditioned office and sleep in an air-conditioned room at night, the air-con contributed to the dryness of my skin. I could see this mask earning a staple status in my skincare wardrobe and I would recommend using this mask 1-2 times per week. This is my first item from AHAVA and it had left me really impressed, and I'm going to get the full size of this product now!

Have any of you tried AHAVA?

20ml 既 size 夠用 4-5次啦, 我果支已經差唔多用晒 ( 7月empties post你會見到佢架)! 我認為呢支 mask係好值得投資, 因為所有皮膚都須要補水架嘛! 冬天更加唔洗講, 夏天又成日o係冷氣地方
出入同埋訓覺, 水份流失得好快. 當我買左 full size 之後, 呢支 product 好快就會加入我既護膚必備組合入面, 嘻嘻! 建議每星期使用 1-2 次, 今次係第一次試 AHAVA 呢個品牌, 真係好 impressed!

你地試過 AHAVA 未?


  1. I never knew Ahava was Israeli. This mask sounds absolutely divine...I have to try it! I'm big on rinse-off hydration masks. There's another Israeli brand that I love - Sabon. Have you heard of it? It focuses on body check it out if you like simple, straightforward but gorgeous smelling products. ;-)

    1. i love rinse-off mask and everything that has "hydration" written!! thanks for the rec - i'll check this brand out!! never heard of it :)

  2. Never heard of it but it sounds interesting :D *took note* I recently tried Dermalogica hydrating face mask and was super impressed :D but it smells a bit funny lol


LOVE to hear what you think <3 I'll try my best to respond to every comment!